- Of what have she been accused? Or what have she been accused of? 指控他犯有什么罪?
- What have she been accused of? 指控她犯有什么罪?
- What has become of that stepmother? Has she been punished? 最后那个继母怎样了?好受到任何惩罚吗?
- What had she been doing during that long solitude? 在那漫长的孤独生活中,她一直在干些什么呢?
- "What has she been saying to you?" screamed the old man furiously. “她跟你说过什么?”这老汉狂暴的叫着。
- She gave the true account of what had happened. 她如实地讲述了发生的事情。
- She was accused of sheltering a murderer. 她被指控隐匿凶手。
- She was in tears as she told the story of what had happened. 她流着泪述说事情发生的经过。
- She was accused of spying for the enemy. 她被指控为敌方间谍。
- She was accused of taking bribes. 她被控受贿。
- What has she been doing lately? 对未来有何计划?
- She was robbed of what little money she had. 她仅有的一点儿钱都被抢了。
- He made a summary of what had been done. 他总结了所做的事情。
- What had she done to excite the malice of an enemy? 她做了什么事情惹下了这样一个仇敌?
- She was accused of fraternizing with the enemy. 她被指责亲敌。
- Since when has she been learning bookkeeping? 她从什么时候起学薄记的?
- She gives an objective report of what has happened. 她就发生的事情进行客观的报告。
- She was accused of being intimate with several men. 有人说她与几个男人关系暧昧.
- Few,if any,Americans grasp the significance of what have been accomplished. 很少(如果有的话)有美国人去领会已完成的工作的意义。
- Has she been informed of her mother's death yet? 有人把她母亲去世的消息告诉她了吗?